Adventures I've gone on.
An Ocotillo
An Ocotillo in the middle of the summer.
Ghosts of Bracewell
The destroyed fragments of a radio telescope with a ghost.
A crack in the dish
A crack in the side of a radio telescope
Star Trails
A intact dish and star trails
A intact radio telescope dish
The Stars, Like Rain
Star trails over a mountain ridge at night
Nook & Cranny NYC
A blocked off stairway down in New York City with brick walls
Busy Street
Near Times Square and the Virgin Megastore in New York City at night.
Waiting for the train
A series of repeating girders in the Penn Station subway station underground.
Bird in the snow
A bird sitting in the snow.
Busy Street
Tire tracks on the snow accumulation on the streets of New York City
Ghosts and the ruins of Bracewell
The destroyed fragments of a radio telescope with a ghost.
Painting in the dark
A lightpainting in the ruins
Uniformity, all the way up
A repeating pattern along the side of a New York City building.
Manhattan Beach Pier
A pier stretching off into the dark sky