Every now and again, somebody will link to my site for an ebay sale.
Sometimes they want to gloss up a page so they'll borrow a picture. One time somebody was using one of my pics to sell a dance mat, so I changed the picture to "Dance mat was formerly owned by a hooker of questionable hygenic habits" or something like that, which was funny enough that the ebay seller mailed me that they thought it was funny, too.
Once I had somebody lift my Sunpak 383 Guide and paste it in their sale. This I put a quick and brutal stop to because, as far as I'm concerned, if you want me to write your sales material, I deserve a cut of the sale.
On the other hand, I do have the best (and pretty much only) 383 Super page with useful information on the net, so it's kinda natural that you'd want to link to my site. This is the way the Internet was designed to work.
But lately, I noticed somebody sold a 383 Super with a winning bid of $91. Were it to be a functional 383 Super, if you already had several 383 Supers and wanted another, it would be a great deal. But it's non-functional in the exact same way as one of mine.
Somebody would pay MORE for a non-functional Sunpak 383 Super than a perfectly working Vivitar 285HV? Wow. Prices on ebay really don't make any sense!