If you look at a famous painting, you don't wonder what brand of brushes the now-decomposing artist used. Of course, if you go to a painters forum, you'll see passionate debates about which brand of brush to use.

Only a poor craftsperson blames their tools, but a good craftsperson will tend to get better results with better tools.

I'm primarily a film shooter, even though outside of photography, I'm quite "digital". My tastes in cameras are best described as somewhat idiosyncratic. I like to own reasonably priced cameras that can be made to produce excellent results.

Just relax and let it take you over
Sasha laying down with red light painting
Dona lightpainted with South Bay as the backdrop.
I don't know what's come over her
A nude woman being lightpainted by a pair of blue lights
Dona against a cityscape backdrop with blue lights
A + H
A tree with "A+H" carved on it.
Ella against the backdrop of a city, in the reeds, with stars
Mandy and her necklace
Mandy lightpainted with her glowing necklace
Neon Dance
A orange checkerboard pattern in the air with a model
Two parrots
Two Scarlet Macaws
A view down the front of a Bromeliad flower.
Transformation Sequence
Red and blue illumination for a model
Tree and leaves in Infrared
A tree with brilliantly white leaves
Fancy Dress on the street
A couple in fancy clothes and sandals on the streets of San Francisco
Nook & Cranny NYC
A blocked off stairway down in New York City with brick walls
A macro shot of a sprig of lavender