If you look at a famous painting, you don't wonder what brand of brushes the now-decomposing artist used. Of course, if you go to a painters forum, you'll see passionate debates about which brand of brush to use.

Only a poor craftsperson blames their tools, but a good craftsperson will tend to get better results with better tools.

I'm primarily a film shooter, even though outside of photography, I'm quite "digital". My tastes in cameras are best described as somewhat idiosyncratic. I like to own reasonably priced cameras that can be made to produce excellent results.

A tree from Rancho San Antonio
A tree in Rancho San Antonio
Tree and leaves in Infrared
A tree with brilliantly white leaves
I had Katherine over the other day because I wanted to take some portraits of her now that I know how to take portraits (See, she was one of my first portrait victims as well)
Science Fiction evil villainess.
Blue light, mirrored dress, red fishnets, and a red gun
California Bay Tree
A California Bay Tree in Rancho San Antonio, the third largest in the world.
Portrait of a dancer
A portrait of Melinda in the staircase of my building