If you look at a famous painting, you don't wonder what brand of brushes the now-decomposing artist used. Of course, if you go to a painters forum, you'll see passionate debates about which brand of brush to use.

Only a poor craftsperson blames their tools, but a good craftsperson will tend to get better results with better tools.

I'm primarily a film shooter, even though outside of photography, I'm quite "digital". My tastes in cameras are best described as somewhat idiosyncratic. I like to own reasonably priced cameras that can be made to produce excellent results.

Hotshoe flashes for a Canon G7 or S5 IS
Two recent high-end Canon P&S cameras that seem to be popular with the buying audience have hotshoes. The G series of Canons have always had a hotshoe, but the S series hasn't until now.
Disaster Time! Part II: The Canon G7
So, my Canon A95, which was part of the Wirehead family between December 6, 2004 and June 10, 2007, with 11,800 pictures taken, was officially not repairable...
Disaster Time!
So, there I was, knee-deep in the bay, with water soaking into my camera gear. I returned to that point in time repeatedly over the next day or two. I could go back, without wanting to, and relive the experience, complete with the smell.
Dona lightpainted with South Bay as the backdrop.
Picture of the Canon G7
A picture of the G7
Fourth of July Fireworks
Fireworks taken with the Canon G7
15 Second exposure
A 15 second exposure taken with the G7
Overflown by a 737
This is the maximum zoom range with the optical lens.