There's a multitude of emulsions available, even after a lot of them have been discontinued. Each one reacts a little differently to light, both in terms of requiring more or less light, but also in terms of reacting in various unique ways to light.
As somebody who griped up a storm about Kodak's previous film discontinuations, I have to say that they are discontinuing film with the appropriate amount of respect for our loss this time...
I've been in a bit of a funk since Sunday morning when folks noticed Silverprint's post about HIE (High speed IR) and EIR (Ektachrome IR) being discontinued. At least this time, somebody gave us warning about it. Naturally, it wasn't Kodak. Folks called Kodak. The first to call got positive news that it wasn't discontinued.... but everybody else was told that the last cut is next month.
I like to view what people are hitting my site about so that I can make the content of my site more useful. Sometimes, I'll notice a search that seems to ask a question but I'm not sure if I've got a great answer for it, so here's some short answers...
The San Mateo Bridge. While we were talking, Emily was taking a bunch of pictures. I only took one. I carefully evaluated metering and decided this was really the picture I wanted to take.