There's a multitude of emulsions available, even after a lot of them have been discontinued. Each one reacts a little differently to light, both in terms of requiring more or less light, but also in terms of reacting in various unique ways to light.
Gaining stuff / Losing stuff
I'm not incredibly worried about the "death of film". I'm not tied to the use of film to the point where I'll have lost my creative outlet if it disappears, it just happens to be the right tool for the job. I'll buy a fancy expensive high-resolution digital SLR and move on with life. But there are supply problems with film.
The Embarcadero at Night
The moon and the buildings along the Embarcadero at night, with a cloudy sky
Sodium Lit Lake
A picture of a little pond taken at night
The Stars, Like Rain
Star trails over a mountain ridge at night
Star Trails
Star trails, seen through the trees.
Star Trails II
Star trails, seen through the trees.
Transmission and use of power
Power lines next to an apartment building
Abandoned Warehouse at night
A warehouse at night, with star trails
Candlestick Point and Hunters Point
Candlestick point, the 101, Bayview, and the old Hunters Point naval shipyard, in a stitched panorama.
Under the Manhattan Beach pier
The columns holding up the Manhattan Beach pier, lit by sodium vapor lights.
Rocks in the water
Some rocks in the water along a beach in Half Moon Bay at night.
Sunrise over the planes
The sun rising over the American Airlines planes at SFO
Night Windmills
Windmills in southern California stopped at night
San Jose City Hall
The San Jose City Hall at night, with glass panels, crossprocessed.
Manhattan Beach Pier
A pier stretching off into the dark sky