There's a multitude of emulsions available, even after a lot of them have been discontinued. Each one reacts a little differently to light, both in terms of requiring more or less light, but also in terms of reacting in various unique ways to light.
Ella making arch forms
Anza-Borrego in IR
Desert and mountains in infrared.
Spaceship construction
The Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco taken in Infrared.
Melinda liked her peacoat
Melinda in her Peacoat
Desert landscape
A desert strewn with plants, with mountains in the background.
Martian Landscape
A landscape from Point Reyes that happens to look fairly outworldly
Ruined Tower
A wooden tower, falling apart, and sinking into the marsh, from the abandoned ghost town of Drawbridge
Santa Cruz Lighthouse
A lighthouse at night with funky concrete forms along the path
Sutro Tower at night
The Sutro Tower at night, complete with star trails.
Wishing water
Melinda in the creek, splashing water towards the cameara