Hands 18 years ago Dona lightpainted with South Bay as the backdrop.
Mandy and her necklace 17 years ago Mandy lightpainted with her glowing necklace
Neon Dance 20 years ago A orange checkerboard pattern in the air with a model
Nursery 17 years ago Dona against a cityscape backdrop with blue lights
I don't know what's come over her 19 years ago A nude woman being lightpainted by a pair of blue lights
Paths 17 years ago Sarah CP in pleather with lightpainting.
Just relax and let it take you over 15 years ago Sasha laying down with red light painting
Lava tube 19 years ago A woman and a glowing tube
Katherine 18 years ago I had Katherine over the other day because I wanted to take some portraits of her now that I know how to take portraits (See, she was one of my first portrait victims as well)
Spiz 18 years ago Spiz looking at the camera
Green Hair 20 years ago A streak of green playing in the model's hair
Transformation Sequence 20 years ago Red and blue illumination for a model