Transformation SequenceRed and blue illumination for a model
A + HA tree with "A+H" carved on it.
Fancy Dress on the streetA couple in fancy clothes and sandals on the streets of San Francisco
LavenderA macro shot of a sprig of lavender
Nook & Cranny NYCA blocked off stairway down in New York City with brick walls
ShoppingPeople on the streets of New York, near B&H
Waiting for the trainA series of repeating girders in the Penn Station subway station underground.
Bird in the snowA bird sitting in the snow.
Uniformity, all the way upA repeating pattern along the side of a New York City building.
An OcotilloAn Ocotillo in the middle of the summer.
A polaroid pinhole photographA blue-tinged picture of chairs and sculpture in San Francisco.
San FranciscoOne of the hills of San Francisco
BromeliadA view down the front of a Bromeliad flower.
Lava tubeA woman and a glowing tube