I like to photograph all sorts of stuff.
The difference between art and porn
There's a fine line one treads when people wearing anything less than the sort of clothing one might wear to a formal dinner are involved in art: Where does something cease to be art and start becoming un-artistic pornography?
My rules for shooting models in the cold
What to do when it's cold out and you don't like shooting winterwear.
Five rules for working with models
Five simple rules for working with models. Not being creepy is only number two...
Having another person involved in a shoot.
I was talking with a photographer at one point and he asked why I bother with models. See, it is a huge time sink for me to find models to work with. My lightpaintings are often limited by exactly how long I can get a model to stay still, so sometimes I get back film from a shoot and find that the model is very blurry. And sometimes, I set up a shoot and the model never shows up at that appointed time and place which really wastes my time.
Questions from the search engines
I like to view what people are hitting my site about so that I can make the content of my site more useful. Sometimes, I'll notice a search that seems to ask a question but I'm not sure if I've got a great answer for it, so here's some short answers...
This weekend: Two models, broken hardware, and the moon
So I told Mimu that I'd tell everybody she went on a rampage and broke all my gear, because after our shoot, I was down one flash, one lightstand, and one tripod....
TFP Documentary / Image Theft / Leica M8
Somebody's writing a documentary about the TFP modeling community, some more thoughts on image theft, and a Leica M8 is shown to be pretty awful for real use in Iraq.
Some observations on working with models
A few observations about working with models.
Dona bending over
Dona bending over with a stick... artistic from the front, probably really trashy from the back.
Kitten against the Port of Oakland and the setting sun.
Ella lying on the ground near a creek
Trashy pic
An example of how clothing does not save a picture from being trashy.
Mimu Daymoon
Mimu in a red dress with the moon in the background.
Ursula with a chain
Back and water
Ursula with her back turned to the camera and a water bottle.